1 minute read

A list of helpful, 100% free resources for technical writers.


Cherryleaf Podcast

Podcast on becoming a better technical and business communicator

DITA Writer

Blog and general resource on technical writing and industry trends

Google Technical Writing Courses

Two free technical writing courses offered by the tech giant

I’d Rather Be Writing

Blog and learning resource on technical writing

Just Write Click

Blog on technical writing

Scriptorium Podcast

Podcast on technical writing, content strategy and operations, and structured authoring

Technical Writer HQ

Introductions and guides to different fields of technical writing. YouTube channel also available

Write the Docs

Global community of technical writers with a Slack instance, conferences, and local meet-ups


Video: GitHub for Documentation, by Rhonda Glennon

Introduction to GitHub tailored to documentarians

Video: GitHub as a Landing Page, by Lorna Jane Mitchell

Basics and best practices for using GitHub for documentation



Free coding courses and certifications


Free software development tutorials, including XML, JSON, markdown, and much more

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)

Learning DITA

Free courses to learn DITA fundamentals

Video: What is DITA XML?

Brief introduction to what DITA is

OxygenXML - DITA Elements, A to Z

OxygenXML documentation on all available DITA elements

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

I’d Rather Be Writing - Documenting APIs: A guide for technical writers and engineers

Full course to learn how to document APIs

Diagrams & Charts

Diagrams in Documentation (Markdown Guide)

Guide to creating diagrams in markdown


Powerful online diagram and flowchart maker


JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that transforms markdown to graphics. Live online editor also available



Simplified technical English specifications


US Department of Defense standards and specifications for technical manuals